uAvionix demonstrates muLTElink C2 Link Executive Manager

Press release: uAvionix demonstrates muLTElink C2 Link Executive Manager and SkyLine C2 management platform at Choctaw Nation UAS Test Site.

uAvionix recently completed a complex demonstration of its SkyLine Command and Control (C2) management service in which multiple Uncrewed Aircraft Systems (UAS) were being controlled from the cloud-based C2 platform, while each of the aircraft was connected to SkyLine by multiple simultaneous links to multiple terrestrial radios.  The demonstration was conducted in coordination with the Chocktaw Nation of Oklahoma (CNO) UAS Test Center, an FAA Beyond lead participant.

Avoiding a lost link scenario is critical to Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) operations.  Every radio and frequency has advantages and disadvantages depending on the geographic location and altitude of the operation. The uAvionix solution of leveraging both path diversity and link diversity focuses on the prevention of lost link situations by enabling seamless and lossless switching between radio types.

In addition to automated C2 management, uAvionix also used SkyLine to demonstrate an integrated detect & avoid (DAA) capability from terrestrial sensors, including the CNO Detect HARRIER™ terrestrial primary radar information and several uAvionix pingStation3 ADS-B receivers to provide a complete picture of cooperative and non-cooperative aircraft in the entire airspace.

Read the full press release on uAvionix website

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