DeTect’s HARRIER Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) system is based on DeTect’s HARRIER Airspace Surveillance Radar technology and provides long-range airspace monitoring with automatic aircraft risk advisories including cooperative and non-cooperative aircraft detection to extend UAS operations beyond line-of-sight (BVLOS).
HARRIER Airspace Surveillance Radar technology has been used for UAS ground-based detect and avoid (GBDAA) since 2008 by Unmanned Aerial Systems operators and drone detection defence developers
Non-cooperative and cooperative aircraft detection systems are available in fixed and mobile configurations including custom designs for installation on customer-provided vehicles and for buildings and towers.
The HARRIER ADLS is highly customizable for each site and application with multiple alert zones and activation perimeters, and is available as a stand-alone system or integrated with other sensors and warning devices such as audible beacons. The typical national standard (FAA AC 70/7460-1M, Transport Canada) minimum range is 3- 4 miles and HARRIER exceeds the expected minimum by a safety factor of more than 400%. Additionally, HARRIER’s speed measurement and heading monitoring exceeds agency requirements for range for detection and activation.
The HARRIER ADLS also provides continuous recording of operational data (aircraft detections and flight tracks, lighting activation events, and system information) to internal SQL Datasystem with customizable auto-reporting feature for recordkeeping and compliance documentation.
With DeTect’s MERLIN processor add-on, a HARRIER ADLS can additionally provide ADLS, bird radar and drone surveillance functionality from a common sensor platform.
Solid-state Doppler S- or X-band radar with 50,000 hour MTBF
Cooperative (transponder equipped) and non-cooperative aircraft detection to 20+ miles
Secondary Traffic Advisory System (TAS) and Automatic Dependent Surveillance–Broadcast (ADS-B) interrogators for cooperative aircraft detection and data acquisition
Automatic target type classification using DeTect’s Intelligent Sensor™ technology
Multi-functional for simultaneous detection of UASs, drones and conventional aircraft (ultralights, helicopters, small-to-large aircraft)
Optional cue-to-target EOIR camera integration
Automatic operation with user-definable fixed or UAV-following risk alert zones and intrusion perimeters
Full remote control and real-time information display (radar and video) to multiple users through secure network and web displays
Real-time display to wireless and cellular devices (smart phones, tablets)
Website by Sambecketts